The simplest & easiest way to find your way back to that high vibe energy & creative flow


It’s cliche

It’s oversaid

It’s become so ‘done’ that we ignore it or worse, gloss over it


Even when I was tired

Even when it was almost 1am and I was dehydrated - hungry - exhausted from being on my feet for 8 hours straight at the Art Fair…

I still made it a priority to write out a grateful list in my journal

Hands down - it was the EASIEST way for me to tap back into a higher vibe/ energy/ happy juju state.

Being tired, overwhelmed & too stimulated from so much talking for an introvert - it’s too easy to start seeing the negative, the flaws, the hurdles and pain.

(4 days of being an exhibitor at an art fair is both physically & mentally & emotionally taxing)

Plus technically I had only sold one painting (on that first day) but it would be so easy to be like “I ONLY sold one! ” vs “OMG I SOLD ONE! ”

Gratitude is like the muggle way back to that childlike wonder and energy of LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL AND I AM SO BLESSED.



I KNOW it’s why I had (almost) sold out shows each time I did the Art Fair.

AND had fun & such incredible joy from doing it too despite the physical exertion.

I chose joy while getting hit with rejection (again)

I chose blessings while nursing wounds

I chose dancing & celebration while waiting for results

I chose happiness while embracing all the ugly, messy, chaos, overwhelm

I chose faith while facing the giant gap between me & my dream

I chose trust while navigating the fog

I know it’s simple to say

I know it’s harder to do - that’s why it’s a practice.

It’s a daily choice, a daily choosing to come back to the space you want to play in.

What do you choose? How can you choose more mindfully IN THE DIRECTION of your desires?

This is one of the practices we explore inside CREATIVITY CATALYST — it’s one of the tools you’ll cultivate in your creative toolkit to ALWAYS find your way back into creative flow.

It’s hard to make art when you’re feeling in negative overwhelm & only seeing blocks

It’s impossible to think of creative solutions, find innovative answers or even come up with ideas if you’re too exhausted to see past the mess.

Join me inside this immersion to choose your Muse, choose your inner Artist & your soul calling.

You get to choose where to direct your creative flow… to making more art with joy & confidence OR to all the reasons why you can’t.

Choose possibility & more art!

Brenda Mangalore