10 Ways I Waste My Creativity


Having to be constantly #adulting can be super draining. Having to do mundane tasks with a mundane mindset and always thinking practically… there's nothing more boring than THAT!

As a mama, I often look at my babies and think “I wish I had the fun and carefree life that you do” but then I have to stop and realise - well actually I CAN have that life through my creativity. 

Who says that as adults we cannot be creative and find the creative flow & fun in anything and everything that we do!

Looking at my kids with a twinkle in their eye when they’re using those powerful little brains of theirs to build a cubby house or paint a picture (just like their mama) or even read a book, has really opened my eyes to a new perspective. 

The creativity of children is so encouraged with everything they do, not only to allow them to find fun in everyday life but to build skills, learn and grow.

As an artist this concept has really pushed me to take on that mindset and cultivate the courage to find the same passion for creativity that my little ones have everywhere I go.

It’s time to bring back that inner child MUSES!

I like to say “DO THE THINGS you're feeling called to do, and do them with JOY”

And sometimes that means DARING to look at what you do creatively, through a whole different lens.

My challenge to YOU who is stuck in an endless loop of being a ‘practical adult’,

  1. Who is constantly thinking by the book

  2. Who is always following the rules

  3. Who may not have the courage to get messy

  4. Who may have forgotten the fun of their craft 

To take a NEW approach to your art

Sometimes it’s so much better to not overthink and, instead, just DO - creativity is found in the strangest places and sometimes looking for it can only make it harder to find. The Muse can be cheeky & fickle like that!

So I dare you to ask your kids, younger nieces or nephews or a child that you know - how they would approach a task in front of them. You’ll find that they barely think about their answer and rather just do whatever they want to do to GET IT DONE.

They are not afraid of the ‘right way’ or the ‘proper way’. They definitely don’t concern themselves with ‘the way it’s meant to’

Curiosity & the courage to DARE take the next step forward despite the unknown? They have that is spades.

We need to cultivate this too.

So, if you need a sign this week to stop following “the rules” mindlessly and just let your inner Muse run wild…


  • Have the courage to let your hair down

  • Be brave enough to throw out the “rule book” of what you think is the ‘correct way’ — they are all made up anyway!

  • Dare to look at your creativity in a different light

  • Allow your imagination to run wild

  • Bring back that twinkle in your eye and that passion for your art, it’s time to fall back in love with what you were put on this earth to do - CREATE!


Your creativity is always flowing! YOU get to CHOOSE where you want to direct that creative energy

Here are 10 ways I have wasted my creativity — I share this with the intention that you see how much creative flow is already around you AND how small shifts in your perspective can empower you to bring that incredible resources towards what your inner Muse desires to create.



  1. Stressing about what to put in my daughter's lunchbox for school - instead of using my creativity joyfully or just you know, giving her the "boring" lunch SHE ACTUALLY EATS!

  2. Excuses on why I can't start that painting yet. Or finish that other painting.
    Like 'my kids need me' or
    'I'm not feeling it today' or
    'I don't know how to start' or
    'I'm not sure I have anything worth saying' or
    'I need to do some research first' or
    'Everyone keeps interrupting me - it's not the right time' or
    'I can't see what the whole thing is about / I don't have clarity...'

    Actually just any excuses in general about doing the thing I know deep down my soul wants done.

  3. Different ways to basically say
    - I'm not good enough,
    - I don't think I'm good enough or will do it perfectly enough
    - I'm scared everyone will reject me when I do it

    but in a socially accepted way.
    Like saying "I've been so busy" or "Who has the time nowadays?" or "I can't be bothered" or "It would be nice..."

  4. Thinking up new ways to do chores. Or new strategies, or learning new methods.
    Anything that isn't just doing the things I need to do quickly and getting back to the work that matters

  5. Getting hung up on what so and so said or that person WILL say & thinking up retorts or comebacks.
    Beforehand or even days AFTER.

    None of which matters or even remotely affects the other person!

  6. Regretting mistakes made in the past & wallowing in failure - then using my creative energies on wishing I could change it and what I would have done differently

    This isn't the same as learning your lessons & thinking of ways to apply it for NEXT time. This is just simple wallowing

  7. Planning my marketing strategy, learning new ways to sell my work or just getting motivated about talking about my art -- instead of actually MAKING THE ACTUAL ART
    There is creativity that is very useful in the business side, the editorial side, the OTHER side of the creative process.

    The publishing, the marketing, the sales, the empire building.

    It's why I enjoy having my own business & selling my work is a joyful choice I've made about my art
    BUT at the expense of actually making the art?

    It's a waste.

  8. Creative elaborative plans of the new habit & routines & rituals around building up my motivation. About getting 'in the zone'.
    New disciplines or challenges or quests to DO THE THING.
    - Like cleaning my whole house & detailed lists of what, where & how
    - Like checking all the different schedules of gyms & workout classes & visualising how I will do it...next week
    - Like drawing up a detailed list of my DAILY MUST DOs & redrawing it to find the PERFECT flow and balance of work & play & family schedules & chores & errands & ballet class & church time….

    This feels the same as saying "tomorrow I will be better - I will get it all done perfectly if I make the perfect plan"
    instead of just doing something tiny, something imperfectly TODAY

  9. Anytime I'm on Facebook or Instagram and going beyond getting inspired and into mindless scrolling and silently searching for the perfect kick in the pants 'inspiration' that will get me off the app into doing.

    You know how you think

    "I'm just getting inspiration" or "There was something here about a topic I need"
    or "I'm getting some down time to relax"
    or "I'll only do this for a few minutes" << That is the wasted creativity.

    Also, see the second point about excuses

  10. Following shiny new ideas - getting into flow - then getting more new ideas....
    instead of actually finishing the previous project.

    Or getting new ideas for other people & getting super excited for them.

    Instead of using that creative energy to get over my Resistance, face my fears and DO THE WORK to release my art.

Do you relate?

Do you say to yourself that you're not creative or that you're 'not feeling inspired'?

What if you're actually leaking your creativity on things that aren't important?

What if you're actually wasting your creativity mindlessly?

What if you could easily choose to turn it around and find joyful purpose in your life?

I'm an artist - I know the creative process well and I also KNOW that your creative process also applies to all other areas of your life.

I ALSO know all the ways you may creatively avoid, face Resistance & procrastinate doing the things you deeply desire to do.

Because I AM THE SAME!

I was able to create the body of work I have because I didn't do it alone - I connected with masterminds & mentors who kept me anchored to the work I said I wanted to create.

They reminded me to drop my excuses & use my energy on what my art IS

Left to my own devises - I waste SO MUCH creative energy on the above excuses and old unhelpful habits

I was able to weave newborns & pre-school schedules & house chores AND still have a fun, thriving family while doing my art because I didn't do it alone - I connected with mentors whose energy kept me going when I wanted to quit.

Who kept me accountable, who reminded me I was capable and which story I wanted to tell myself

I practiced & failed & practiced again.

I worked out what my creative process needed. I played with finding ways to anchor myself back to creative flow.

I cultivated my Courage muscles to keep coming back despite failures & falling on my face.

Connecting with my creativity & treating it with patience as you do in relationships - while treating it with determined expectation, as you do with habits.

Part of the practice is to be honest with where discipline is needed - where am I allowing excuses & wasted energy to leak…

and where patience and kindness is needed because life is very full

Please know, I understand.

If I can do this, with all my flaws, my failures, my many many messes I’m still working on...I KNOW you can too.

You have no idea how many times I’ve prayed to be a special unicorn. So it could be easy.

But I’m always reminded, God is the magic, it’s my willingness to step into MY role as creative and Muse — that’s when the art, the life as art, gets made.

My job is to choose mindfully and direct my energy where I truly desire.

My intention for this space is to be shining a light for you by sharing my stories.

Being a lighthouse to remind you that you already ARE amazing & capable.

If you desire support & guidance — Talk to me about scheduling your complimentary Creative Courage & Clarity Call

Let's chat about what is truly holding you back, what action you can take NOW & how we can work together if it’s a good fit

I know that your creative work & your creative dreams are happening without me -- you WILL make it if you truly desire it.

I also know that working with me will help you get there faster -- we waste a lot of time overthinking, doubting & questioning our steps as humans doing this creative thing!

I want to help you navigate those bumps & hurdles and especially the unseen patterns that your fears & Resistance tries to sabotage you with!

Let's make magic together!


Brenda Mangalore