I had one of those eureka ideas....and I was not happy


I had one of those bolt of lightning ideas to add my beloved doodles to my soul seeds.

And I was not happy. Not keen. Not sure.
Basically I didn’t wanna.

These two art forms (doodles & soul seeds) feel like the not so cool kids compared to my signature paintings & soulful watercolours.

But after a couple of days basically being haunted by the idea (the Muse can be insistent) — I relented on the condition that I can do it in bed while (semi) watching my shows.

I don’t know if it’s working yet but I wanted to share a REAL look behind the scenes

Also to remind you:

✔️Eureka ideas DO come — be open, willing & watch out for them.

They come more often the more you do

✔️The creative process is both a predictable cycle & a total mystery.

That’s actually why as Artists and Muses we have to be disciplined in our work with our creativity AND make space for random & miracles to happen.

To lead & be led.

✔️Even if you do heed the call of an inspired idea, there is ZERO guarantee it works out.

The Muse is not a genie answering wishes, she is not a wishing tree.

She can be fickle.
Sometimes she’s like a child whose goal is the process, the journey. Not the end result.

It’s both frustrating (as any mamas know when working with kids! We have a destination in mind dammit!)
+ also the key to magical innovation and finding YOUR special recipe to your art.

✔️If you build a strong relationship with your creativity — with your inner Muse.
You can totally negotiate with it to work around your fears, Resistance & doubts.

Like I did with working in bed.

My doubt is that it will ruin a painting that’s almost finished.

My fear is that I’m mixing the 2 styles in an attempt to “make them popular” which makes me 🤮

My Resistance is this is going to take freaking ages, hurt my hand AND have no guarantee it will be worth it!

TELL ME: Have you had one of those “random” ideas pop into your head? What happened? Did it work out? What did you learn?

Want to build a deeper relationship with your creativity? Join us in the MINDFUL MUSES community to share resources, connection & conversation on how to listen & create alongside your inner muse

Brenda Mangalore