The Cultivate Courage Collection is coming along...

The new collection coming along...

some paintings are being a bit more stubborn & elusive than others!


Inspired by the energy & feelings we felt as a global collective last year — we were really challenged to cultivate our courage in the face of tremendous change

On a personal front, the conflicting emotions of change (thanks to moving house, renovations & lockdown experiences) + the daily delights of life with young children — became my personal journey of courage to keep growing through grief & hope.

I was challenged to continue cultivating courage to keep growing beyond my edges.

To keep coming back despite set backs. To keep seeking & find my way “home” away from home

There will be Soul Seeds like the image above.

There will be a few signature paintings in the smaller size.

(I won't be doing any larger paintings until I can move into my studio later this year!)

The thread of my signature doodles feature for the first time in my paintings

If you've been around here a while, you may remember that I started my art career offering drawings around words & mantras that hold deep meaning for me. Using my design skills & lettering talents for fine art prints of Deliberate Doodle drawing artwork.

It’s that sense of coming full circle to my first art offerings, that sense of comfort in the familiar while navigating a whole new way of being & expression.

Moving in with my parents while we build our dream home has echoed that energy of 'coming home' but also being very much OUTSIDE our normal.

Navigating lockdown also stripped away many habits and ways of living back to basics.

Fighting for what felt familiar and navigating a whole new way of doing it.

Where old becomes new and normal changes constantly.

The spiral continues to feature boldly as a totem call to keep moving forward.

It stands strong to hold you through the storms.

It stands boldly when you’re tempted to hide.

I’m aiming for an early March release depending on how well we settle into a new routine #mumlife

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🎨1st Artwork is a Soul Seed painting (to be named)
Acrylic on Canvas
60 x 60cm
for the #CultivateCourageCollection releasing 🤞🏼March
The others beside me are still in progress

Brenda Mangalore