These chipped nails are beautiful because...


💖These chipped nails are beautiful because:

They mean I’ve been intentional with self care AND doing dishes

They mean I’ve been framing my art AND playing with colour for fun

They mean I’ve been practicing creative play for the sake of play — instead of waiting for a ‘better time’

They mean I’ve bothered to ‘make the effort’ despite no ‘special occasion for them’

💖Because feeling beautiful & living life IS my special occasion

Weaving it all is a practice AND a choice. It is done AND ongoing. 
It is something you need to see & think differently about AND something you actually have to DO

Why only make the effort for ‘special occasions’?

Wear the dress
Use the special plates
Put on the lipstick
Strut those shoes
String on those pearls
Cancel the boring coffee for a special date with YOU
Get the blowwave
Pull out the recipe book
Book the spa day
Make the reservation at that place

Show up for you. 
Choose your joy & pleasure AS the special occasion worthy of effort (you would for weddings or events - what if your joy could be your event?!)

When you do, it means you can give to others from the overflow of your cup. 
It means fully expressing all of you & your creativity as well as your joy will expand exponentially. 

Even if it’s just painting your nails

x B

p.s We are exploring your creativity & learning how to find your creative spark inside Muse Mama. 

MUSE MAMA is that space for you to find your village of fellow mamas seeking Clarity, Courage & Creativity in their journey to living a FULL life of joy & fun AND fulfilment. 
There is a mini masterclass in there just about moving from dreaming to doing! 
Don’t you want to be in the energy of what you seek?


Brenda Mangalore