The Muse Mojo Framework for your goals of being an Artist & your creative success

Whether your goal is to be more consistent with your creative work...

so you can build a body of work to feel like you KNOW your creative voice


You want to be able to go 'all in' with your creativity & do this full time as a business

This is the framework I will walk you through to help you achieve those goals.

This framework supports you to take care of both the chaotic creative side of your art, to make meaningful art you are called to make…

along with the structure nature in the business side of your creative work, so you can attract those dream clients & collectors and sell your art without feeling pushy & salesy.


If you're the creative still finding your feet with your creativity...

Your Mindset work may look like changing the stories you hold about calling yourself 'Artist'

(This is actually something we all go through at different levels. There are many layers to this!)

Your Mindful Making work will be on developing a habit and lifestyle on creating your art.

This is where I advocate quantity leading to quality, it's where you learn what YOUR specific style & story is within your art.

Your Momentum will be from finding a sustainable flow to weaving all of life, laundry, jobs & kids along with the creative work

If you're the creative looking to make more money, sales & feel confident in your art as a business...

Your Mindset work may look like shifting how your see yourself from just 'Artist' to both Artist and Business Muse

It may also include looking at your relationship with money, being 'salesy' and continuing the work on feeling confident in yourself as an Artist

Your Mindful Making work will be on finding a way to keep making your Art, strategically for both passion & profit...

along with mindfully making what I call "the art about the art " which is marketing & sales content along with branding & customer service experience.

This results in making MORE money & sales while still having a meaningful creative practice that feels joyful and fulfilling.

Your Momentum may be found in being more focused strategically on how to sustain ALL THE WORK along with ease & freedom you want in your life for your time & family.

Alot of the unseen work I'll do with Muse mentoring clients is on this!

Dealing with the deeper layers of Resistance and distraction that their mind, inner critic & fears come up with.

It may also include making moves in business to multiply your audience, your income or your visibility without feeling burnout

or losing the integrity of your vision for your art nor the lifestyle goals you have for you and your family

Of course, there are about a hundred other elements that make up the work YOU would need to do to achieve your specific goals.

The beauty of this framework is that I believe you need to work on all 3 parts of the framework at the same time WHILE also only doing one small step at a time.

With the goal of being able to stack those actions instead of always chasing & changing strategies.

This is where I step in to support you so it doesn’t get overwhelming & your inner fears doesn’t start procrastinating with distracted, shiny new ideas!

Building the foundations first before adding more shiny, fancier things on top.

That could be, getting clear on your art message & voice before creating the brand for your art

That could be getting use to sharing your art on your Instagram before launching a website with a collection release.

It doesn't mean we don't look at whether to do Reels or work on your website or whether you should start incorporating video to your work

Posting on Instagram isn't a strategy.

Knowing WHY you're sharing your art & HOW you're sharing your art in a way that works with your life NOW along with your GOALS

...that's a strategy

Knowing what to focus on first before adding more work to your already busy life, so you can start creating the art you’re meant to make as well as selling it profitably.

That's the biggest win you get from investing in support for your creative goals.

It's what I love to see clients discover as an added benefit to our work together.

For you to see how amazing your creativity is, how you already have the answers you seek AND how much resources you already have access to


Seeing you connect the dots to how new ideas fit with your simple focused strategy...

Seeing the easy actions you can take NOW...

Seeing the feeling of confidence, ease and joy as you invest your time, money, attention & energy on your business and creativity...

knowing how it all contributes to bringing your creative dream to life

Which of these 3 elements is already working for you within this framework?

Which one do you need to focus on to improve?

Are you ready to prioritise your creative work?

Ready to be a legitimate artist? To take that dream of being a professional creative seriously?

👉🏼 Grab one of my FREE Creative Courage & Clarity calls

It's designed to help you find BOTH the clarity of what is actually holding you back from being able to become the confident Artist that’s making the art you want to make & selling it with ease…

AND know the exact next step to take to get you there

Whether your challenge is the procrastination paralysis and never really starting…or you keep having to start over and over

or the overthinking overwhelm with a hundred half-finished projects around you…

or the second guessing of your prices or style so you struggle to share your art in the world boldly…


  • To build a body of work that you cannot help sharing proudly

  • To feel confident in the value (& price!) of your work + sell your art without feeling salesy

  • To know what to focus on in the business side of art while still making your art consistently with ease and joy

But first, you’ll need to get clear on what is the true challenge to that next chapter for your art.

This is exactly what I’ll help you do inside these free calls!

I only open up for 2 calls a week so grab one NOW. I’m not sure if I can keep doing these as more commitments pile into my calendar

You know that the longer you wait, the more time your inner critic has to come up with reasons why you shouldn't.

Book that free call with me TODAY so you can get clear & boldly step forward NOW with confidence towards being the Artist you want to be.

Brenda Mangalore