Dear Muse... I know how tired you're feeling

DEAR MUSE, I know how tired you’re feeling

With the world as it is right now, with all the uncertainty & all the changes

I know the exhaustion of grieving what you had while adjusting to the new normal

Whether that’s life in lockdown or life with a newborn.

Life is full of intense stress and chaos.

That’s the job of life!

I also know that your creativity feels like a delusional rainbow that doesn’t ever quite solidifies. Like trying to grasp the wind.

You’re probably using it to handle all the changes and solving all the problems that life has thrown your way

What if what you’re putting off for when “things settle down” is actually THE thing to help you FEEL settled.

To feel like you’re doing something lovely not just what you have to to survive another day

To feel like you can face whatever new chaos comes your way with more confidence (maybe even with more patience!)

To feel like you have something JUST FOR YOU beyond motherhood, job, family life or whatever new drama is coming next.

Let’s use your creativity to find that flow. In art AND life

Let’s use your creativity to practice patience in the face of new experiences

Let’s use your creativity to expand your comfort zone and cultivate more confidence in your intuition & inner voice

Let’s use your creativity to practice embracing imperfection & take the next steps forward towards your goals despite your fears.

That’s what my creativity allows me to do

To practice being my better self

To find my inner Muse & step into self-leadership

To expand my comfort zone & do more than my inner critic believes I can

To see things in a new way & feel more confident in my capacity to weave both my art AND my motherhood

I share the pillars of the creative process that I have as the foundations of my creativity inside CREATIVITY CATALYST

There are daily prompts to help you find that connection to your creative Muse

There are exercises that stack on each other to build your confidence with your creativity & find consistency with inspiration.

AND then giving you the tools to MAKE THE ART from that inspiration

It is easy, self-paced AND a live intense immersion to help you change the way you look at yourself as a creative.

Join the waitlist to access bonuses & special offers. Download the Intention Setting worksheet to get started.

Even if you don’t join us inside, I want you to do the worksheet to activate your inner Muse and spark some encouragement in your creativity.