Making the art NOW & the gifts it brings

One of the things I’m being reminded of is to make the art now.

To allow myself to create NOW with what I have, as I am, in all the imperfections.

It gifts my future self a gift of magic & art that I couldn’t create even with more wisdom, experience & knowledge I have now.


Making the art now, it captures the magic now.

Magic that may only exist for this time & will evolve & change in the future.

Creating & connecting to the creative flow now captures the magic for now AND the future.

Yes it takes time to distance oneself from the flaws of the art.

I see only the mistakes & gaps in my ability.

But I’m reminded, as I look at my older work.

As I rewatched & look through my CREATIVITY CATALYST course trainings & worksheets — I am so grateful that my past self allowed the art to be created.

Despite my doubts & fears.

(Join the waitlist to access the Day 1 Intention Setting worksheet!)

Sure, I’m going to remake videos & update the branding of the designs… but right now…
I am so happy I put aside the fears, embraced the imperfections & created something that is still so valuable & helpful & creatively inspired today.

This creative process & flow?

This calling of being a Muse?

It’s a dance of giving your best, your all into the making & creating — then detaching & allowing the playfulness of imperfections and limits of your current self.

It is trusting that wisdom & treasures will come from the process.

Even if the outcome is ugly art you toss out.

Even if you cringe a little right now.

You will look back and see how it was foundational to building the confidence & strength to your work

You will look back and see how it was the gateway to allowing flow to come. How it cultivated deeper ties with your Muse.

💖What will you allow yourself to create this week?

🔥What can you inject some playfulness into? So you can step into more boldness in creating something you’re feeling scared of making?


If you're feeling the call — to make the art NOW. And you don’t want to risk repeating the same sabotages you use to.

You KNOW you are DONE waiting for 'someday'

You KNOW you need help to finally feel that sense of fulfilment & deep soul satisfaction

I want to offer my support to help you get started with more confidence & clarity on how you’ll cross the finish line.

Schedule your free Creative Courage & Clarity call & let’s gift your future self the wisdom & amazing confidence this art journey will bring.

Brenda Mangalore